Left: Erik Ludwig
Right: The Forest Through The Trees
Directors & Photographers: A Collective Us
This was a fun campaign in that it was a personal experience, both in the filming/storytelling aspects but also in the way we went about shooting and capturing the stories.
The first story was told here in Denver and helped to develop a lasting relationship with now long time editor/colorist, Brandon Schrichten; we shot Erik Ludwig's story over 3 days and really got to know him prior to shooting, which made those three days really enjoyable and the moments were authentic. In order to tell Django and Yve's stories (Kentucky and Tennessee), we hooked up our little airstream camper and spent the next three weeks camping, shooting and enjoying life.
Because Django's story was about his passion for the trees and building tree houses, we felt it necessary to pay him a few visits over the course of a month or two; Adam flew out to capture the early stages of building, so when we both returned the tree house was much nearer to completion. It worked out perfectly. We spent 4 days in Kentucky on the first part of our 3 week trip, saw some east coast highlights (the Outer Banks were the highlight for sure) before popping in to Nashville to shoot with Yve for 4 days, and finally wrapping the last leg of the trip with a few days in beautiful Kentucky at the treehouse with Django. It's the style of shooting that is fun and immersive, yet ambitious in the fact that we really only had ourselves and a few assistants to help haul gear and setup shots.
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