Jonny Alexander





Jonny Alexander, Muralist and Illustrator


Jonny Alexander comes to us with an introspective look at our natural planet. Growing up in California and spending his time exploring the state’s deserts, mountains and coastlines his art sheds light on the intricate patterns of the natural environment and the varying forms it takes.

His works across varied mediums include Large Scale Public Murals, Design and Branding, Traditional Fine Art Printmaking, Installations and all backed by a healthy studio practice for Gallery and Commissioned paintings. Alexander has completed public murals in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, San Diego, Miami, Denver, Mexico and New Zealand. Completing projects with projects and design work with brands including Juneshine, Patagonia, Bumble, Outside Lands, Subaru, Element Skateboards, Boost Mobile, Juxtapoz Magazine, Armada Skiis and more.

Jonny Alexander now resides in California and works out of his studio in the neighborhood of North Park in San Diego. You may find him at any given time in his studio painting small details, out working on large murals, having bad posture at his computer doing design work, or possibly outside somewhere crouched down looking very closely at a stick or some rocks.